Thursday, April 27, 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Games Updated
As some have noticed, I work as a Flash illustrator, animator and game developer. The majority of my posts is about game material, so it was already time to give them a special place in 2DFlashArt.
In the right dark green column, below my profile, is where I will put links to games I have already finished or the ones that are under development.
To start this new area, I've put 2: Invasores ( ok, done ) and Peste Ataque ( building ). Any comments would help me a lot.
Tks and have fun!
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Monday, April 17, 2006
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Monday, April 10, 2006
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Monday, April 03, 2006
Alberto Santos Dumont

Well, this guy is the reason behind the game project. In november 2006, the world will celebrate 100 years of his first flight. Some people say he was the first one who did it. If this is true or not, I dont know. But one thing is right: while others inventors were just interessed in prizes, money and glamour, Santos Dumont wanted to share his discoveries with the world. He used to distribute all of the money with the poor people in Paris.
I am finishing the proposal today, because it is the last day given. In 17 april we will know if I am elegible or not to receive the grants.
More images: here, here, here and here.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Santos Dumont - Game Pitch

Ok, I`ve decided to tell why I am developing images of this funny detective. It is a pitch for a game project that will be funded by the government. Companies and people all over the country will send a project, so the best 8 proposals will receive R$ 30.000,00 to develop the game.
My project is about Santos Dumont, one of the aviation`s fathers. The game is about the attempt to steal the flight plans of 14 Bis before his first demonstration. The jogability will be a adventure game or point-and-click game just like Monkey Island and The Dig and many great others.
This image and the other two (here and here) are just concept drawings. I am not convinced that I will use this design. If I win this pitch, I will be responsable for the project management, I will do all the designs and animations, backgrounds and so on. I already know that this style is very hard to reproduce, so I will develop more economic designs.
Today I will post more drawings.